Lex Climatica Summer School

31 August 2021 - 31 August 2021

The African Academy for the Practice of International Law – AAPDI AAPIL organized the Lex Climatica Summer School in August 2021. This event was an opportunity for the Global Pact for the Environment to participate in a roundtable on climate justice.

Indeed, while Africa is the continent that contributes the least to greenhouse gas emissions, it is one of the most affected by climate change. Therefore this summer school aimed to make education and innovation the pillars of resilience and climate justice in Africa, encouraging African youth to take part in change through collective intelligence.

With several conferences, roundtables and case studies, this 3-day training for African youth was an opportunity for participants to acquire new skills and knowledge. It resulted in the writing of an African youth advocacy document that was later submitted to the IUCN World Conservation Congress, where the Global Pact Coalition was present to support it.