Alexandra Masek

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15 August 2023

Response to the call for written submissions of the intergovernmental negotiating committee for the treaty on plastic pollution

The Secretariat of the intergovernmental negotiating committee tasked with elaborating a treaty on plastic pollution has issued an invitation to provide written submissions on elements not discussed at the last session of negotiations, INC-2. The GPC has sent its written submission.

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31 July 2023

Response to the call for comments of the Montevideo Environmental Law Programme

The Secretariat of the Montevideo Environmental Law Programme is currently working on a partnerships and stakeholder engagement strategy. The Secretariat invited all interested stakeholders and partners of the Programme to comment on the annotated outline of the strategy. The Global Pact Coalition has sent its commentary.

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20 July 2023

Right to a Healthy Environment Global Coalition Wins UN Human Rights Prize

The Global Coalition of Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment wins the UN 2023 Human Rights Award. The Coalition is recognized for its critical role in advocating for the recognition of the right to a healthy environment by the UN General Assembly in 2022.

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4 June 2023

Negotiations for a United Nations Treaty on Plastic Pollution

The United Nations is currently developing a legally binding treaty on plastic pollution. A zero draft of the agreement is being prepared ahead of the next session of negotiations which will take place in Nairobi, in November.

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