Webinar – the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment

22 September 2022


On September 20th, 2022, the Environmental Policy and Law Journal hosted a webinar in which prominent speakers including Nicholas Robinson (Pace Law University, USA), Gudmundur Eiriksson, (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Iceland), Karan Singh, (Parliament, India), Ole Kristian Fauchald, (University of Oslo, Norway), Philippe Cullet (SOAS University of London, UK) and many others … reflected on the recent adoption of the UNGA resolution 76/300 recognizing the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment

This webinar seeked to make sense of the global significance of the advent of this normative development soon after the Stockholm+50 Conference (2–3 June 2022). The timing of the webinar coincided with the commencement of the high-level segment of the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York.


The discourse with a panel of eminent scholars and practitioners provided an opportunity to: (i) explain the context and significance for celebrating the UNGA’s (and the HRC) emphatic recognition of the human right to (clean, healthy, and sustainable) environment for the 2030 SDGs as well as “other rights and existing international law;” (ii) normative value of the UNGA resolution for universality of the environmental human rights; and (iii) impact of the human right to the environment on treaty-based international environmental obligations, and observance of human rights of individuals and inanimate objects, as well as domestic policies, legislations, and litigations.


In this webinar, Victoria Lichet discussed the possibility of the UNGA resolution recognizing the right to a healthy environment to pave the way towards an international convention on environmental rights, such as the Global Pact for the Environment. 


The Global Pact for the Environment offers to bring together environmental rights and duties in an instrument that would serve as a reference for stakeholders: citizens, companies and states. This instrument, combined with other national and multilateral agreements, would establish a new threshold in international environmental law and would inspire national legislation towards more ambitions to achieve climate change and environmental objectives.